Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering

Degree Requirements
Students pursuing a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering must earn a minimum of 90 credit hours beyond the B. S. degree. An M.S. degree is not required for admission to the program.
Of these 90 hours, 40-55 equivalent credit hours may be taken for research and dissertation (BMES 7994).
Clinical Rotation
In addition to the course requirements, the program requires a clinical rotation for all Ph.D. students, along with completion of a medical ethics program.
Student Advisory Committee
Prior to submitting a program of study, and no later than the second academic semester, each student must form an advisory committee. The advisory committee is composed of the major professor and a minimum of four other faculty members. At least two must be SBES faculty members (including the chair), and at least three members must be in engineering. (Advisory committee members can be from either institution. Students may have more than five members on the Ph.D. committee if desired.)
Qualifying Examination
The examination must be taken by the end of the second semester for students entering directly into the Ph.D. program or within one year of entering the program after completing the M.S. degree.
Preliminary Examination
All Ph.D. students must take a preliminary examination administered by the student's advisory committee.
The student will present his/her dissertation research proposal. The examination will cover all course material and the proposed research plan, including the student's knowledge of the literature, and the feasibility and originality of the proposed work.
The examination should be taken at or near the completion of the coursework during the third or fourth year and must be taken at least nine months prior to scheduling the final examination.
Final Examination
To complete the program, students must pass the final examination, including approval of the dissertation in final form.
More Information
For more detailed information on degree requirements, advisory committees and examinations, see the Virginia Tech graduate catalog and the SBES graduate manual.