Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering Non-Thesis Option
Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics (BEAM) students work in Eli Vlaisavljevich's lab, studying histotripsy and cancer research. (Photo by Peter Means/Virginia Tech)

Degree Requirements
Students pursuing a BME Non-Thesis M.S. degree are required to complete a minimum of 30 total credit hours which may be distributed as follows:
- 27 credit hours of coursework (5000/6000)
- 3 credit hours of project and report
Direct-to-Ph.D. Path
An M.S. can be earned "along-the-way" to the Ph.D. by students accepted into the direct-to-Ph.D. degree path.
Student Advisory Committee
Prior to submitting a program of study, and no later than the end of the second academic semester, each student must form an advisory committee. The Graduate Director will serve as the advisor for all non-thesis students, two other committee members must be selected.
Final Examination
The department graduate program director, who will serve as the student's major advisor, will conduct a final confirmation of completing all degree requirements by reviewing and evaluating the student's coursework record.
Additional Requirements
MS Non-Thesis students are required to attend the SBES symposium each year but are not required to present a poster, oral presentation, or lightening talk.
More Information
For more detailed information on degree requirements, advisory committees and examinations, see the Virginia Tech graduate catalog and the SBES graduate manual.