
BEAM at a Glance
The Department of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics, often referred to as BEAM, is focused on solving complex problems that transcend disciplinary boundaries. The department pursues real-world applications through research and innovation to enhance the quality of life.
Research is a big part of the department's vision. Our faculty and students focus on translational as well as basic and discovery-based studies. Research areas of emphasis include biomechanics, fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, translational cancer research, and tissue engineering (among others). The department hosts research programs in 11 distinct areas through a variety of labs and facilities. Watch some short videos about BEAM.
BEAM offers one undergraduate degree program, a B.S. in biomedical engineering, and a minor program of study in biomedical engineering.
Our biomedical engineering graduate program is supported through a joint partnership with the Wake Forest University School of Medicine.
Industry Partnerships
Similar to Virginia Tech's LINK: Center for Advancing Industry Partnerships, our Industry Partners Program begins engaging early and often with our industry partners. We seek to foster collaboration between the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics (BEAM) and companies, not-for-profits, and government. Learn more here.
We're proud of our innovative, entrepreneurial, inclusive, and supportive culture. Through student organizations and alumni functions, we provide opportunities for engagement on campus and beyond.
Want to know more? Contact BEAM!
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