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Graduate Programs

A BEAM faculty advisor looks on as one of his students explains his research processes

A Collaborative Culture Meets Transdisciplinary Research

BEAM graduate students participate in and contribute to a rich academic community with a hands-on, innovative focus. We’re preparing global leaders in emerging fields who are prepared to solve the next generation of engineering problems. 

Graduate Degree Offering

Biomedical Engineering

We offer a comprehensive graduate degree in biomedical engineering through our joint program, Virginia Tech - Wake Forest School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (SBES). 

The point of contact for BEAM graduate programs in biomedical engineering is Kelsey Wall, SBES Graduate Coordinator: (540) 231-1643,

Graduate Research Opportunities

Immersive research is a hallmark of the BEAM graduate program in biomedical engineering. Explore all 11 of the department's distinct research programs here.