Costin Untaroiu, Ph.D.
Portrait of Costin Untaroiu

Suite 304
Blacksburg, VA 24060
Research Areas
- Biomechanics
- Tissue engineering
- Dynamics and control
- Solid mechanics
- Tire and Soil modelling
Research Interests
- Biomechanics
- Tissue engineering
- Dynamics and control
- Solid mechanics
- Tire and Soil modelling
- University of Virginia: Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering – Impact Biomechanics, 2005
- Politehnica, Bucharest: Ph.D.,Mechanical Engineering - Rotordynamics, 1999
- University of Bucharest: Diploma (B.Sc), Applied Mathematics, 1996
- Politehnica, Bucharest: Diploma (B.Sc), Mechanical Engineering, 1990
Awards, Honors, and Service
- ASME Barnett-Uzgiris Product Safety Design Award, 2023
- Liviu Librescu Faculty Prize for research and educational achievement, BEAM, VT, 2023
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Fellow, 2018
Selected Publications
Chontos,R., Grindle, D., Untaroiu, A., Doerzaph, Z., Untaroiu, C. (2023) A Numerical Investigation of Rider Injury Risks During Falls Caused by E-scooter- Stopper Impacts. ASME J Biomech. Eng. Oct 2023, 145(10): 101006. (DOI)
Shenvi, M.N., Sandu, C., Untaroiu, C., Pierce, E. (2023) Correlating tire traction performance on snow with measured parameters of ASTM F1805 using regression analysis, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 213 , 103926 (DOI).
Grindle, D., Balubaid, A., Untaroiu, C. (2023) Investigation of traffic accidents involving seated pedestrians using a finite element simulation-based approach, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 26(4) 484-497 (DOI).
Grindle, D., Untaroiu, C. Computational Seated Pedestrian Impact Design of Experiments with Ultralight Wheelchair. Ann Biomed Eng (2023). (DOI)
Grindle, D., Aira, J., Gayzik, F.S., Untaroiu, C. (2022) A validated lower extremity model to investigate the effect of stabilizing knee components in pedestrian collisions, Computer Methods in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine (in press) (DOI).
Shenvi, M.N., Sandu, C., Untaroiu, C. (2022) Review of compressed snow mechanics: Testing methods, Journal of Terramechanics, 100(4): 25-37 (DOI).
Meng, Y., Yates, K., & Untaroiu, C. (2022). Numerical Investigation of the Performance of Current Vehicle Rear Seats Using Finite Element Analysis. SAE International Journal of Transportation Safety, 10(2):2022. (DOI).
Yates, K., Agnew, A., Albert, D., Kemper, A., Untaroiu, C.D. (2021) Subject-Specific Rib Finite Element Models with Material Data Derived from Coupon Tests under Bending Loading, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 116, April 2021, 104358, (2019 Impact factor 3.372) (DOI).
Pak, W., Grindle, D., Untaroiu, C.D. (2021) The Influence of Gait Stance and Vehicle Type On Pedestrian Kinematics and Injury Risk, ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 143, 10, 101007, (DOI).
Grindle, D., Pak, W., Guleyupoglu, B., Koya, B., Gayzik, F.S., Song, E., Untaroiu, C.D. (2021) A Detailed Finite Element Model of a Mid-sized Male for the Investigation of Traffic Pedestrian Accidents, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine Mar; 235(3):300-313, ((DOI)
Meng Y., Hu, W., Untaroiu, C.D. (2020) An examination of the performance of damaged energy-absorbing end terminals, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 147, 105789 (DOI)
Meng Y., Untaroiu, C.D. * (2020) Numerical Investigation of Occupant Injury Risks in Car-to-End Terminal Crashes using Dummy-based Injury Criteria and Vehicle-based Crash Severity Metrics, Accident, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 145, 105700 (DOI)
Pak, W., Meng, Y., Schap, J., Koya, B., Gayzik, F.S., Untaroiu, C.D. * (2020) Development and Validation of a Finite Element Model of a Small Female Pedestrian, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 23:16, 1336-1346 (DOI)
Jin, H., Sharma, R., Meng, Y., Untaroiu, A., Doerzaph, Z., Dobrovolny, C., Untaroiu, C.D. * (2020) Evaluation of The Injury Risks of Truck Occupants Involved in a Crash as a Result of Errant Truck Platoons, SAE International Journal of Transportation Safety 8(1):5-18 (DOI[CU1] ).
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