Andre Muelenaer, Jr., MD

460 Turner St.
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Research Areas
- Pediatric medical devices
- Global health
- Team science
Research Interests
Biomedical engineering is a discipline that advances knowledge in engineering, biology and medicine, and improves human health through cross-disciplinary activities that integrate the engineering sciences with the biomedical sciences and clinical practice. Andre Muelenaer applies his 40 years as a practicing pediatrician and pulmonologist, 20 years of medical device development, and 15 years of global health experience, to educating engineering, medical and life sciences students.
He is interested in non-invasive monitoring of infants and children, especially use of wearable technologies. As a principal of VT’s TEAM Malawi (Technology-Education-Advocacy-Medicine Malawi), a transdisciplinary collaboration, based upon a community wellness model of health, designed to meet the challenges of resource-limited environments through community based participatory research/design/pedagogy, he provides students with opportunities to develop, test, and deploy appropriate, affordable medical devices in low- and middle income countries. He facilitates communications among medical, engineering, scientific, and business professionals and students, while promoting concepts of team science.
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Fellowship, Pediatric Pulmonology, 1988
- William Beaumont Army Medical Center: Residency, General Pediatrics, 1982
- Eastern Virginia Medical School: MD, 1979
- Virginia Tech: M.S., Zoology, 1979
- Virginia Tech: B.S., Biology, 1975
Awards, Honors and Services
- High Tech Leadership Award, NewVa Corridor Technology Council (Roanoke- Blacksburg Technology Council), 2005
- Bronze Star-Service, 800th Military Police Brigade: U.S. Army (for service during Operation Desert Storm, Saudi Arabia), July 1991
- Army Commendation Medal, 401st Military Police Camp: U.S. Army (for service during Operation Desert Storm, Saudi Arabia), April 1991
- John Caffey Award: Society of Pediatric Radiology, 1990
- American College of Chest Physicians, Fellow, 1992
- American Academy of Pediatrics, Fellow, 1985
Recent Publications
Muelenaer, A. A., Taylor, A. R., Turovskiy, Drew, Redican, K. J., Kochersberger, K. B., Bickford, L. Taylor AR, Turovskiy J, Drew B, Muelenaer AAA Sustainable Engineering Solution for Pediatric Dehydration in Low-Resource Clinical Environments. Journal of Humanitarian Engineering(18 April 2016), S89-S101.
David, M., Muelenaer, A.A., Muelenaer, P. A., Bird, J., Vespa, S., Yarrabothula, A., Cashman, L. (2017, January). Distributed Thermistor for Continuous Temperature Monitoring of Malnourished Infants at Risk for Hypothermia. Annals of Global Health, 83(1). doi: 0.1016/j.aogh.2017.03.019.
Sarment, L., De Angelus, C., Accolla, R., Cole, M., Brabender, J., Bird, J., Muelenaer, A.A., Muelenaer, P. A. (2017, January). Novel Device for Rapid Acquisition of Heart Rates in Neonatal Patients for future use in Malawi. Annals of Global Health, 83(1). doi: 10.1016/j.aogh.2017.03.307.
Muelenaer, P. A., Hall, R., Kelly, P., Kochersberger, K., Muelenaer, A.A., Powell, J., Talbot, P., Taylor, A. (2017, January). TEAM Malawi (Technology-Education-Advocacy-Medicine Malawi): A Multidisciplinary Global Health Experience. Annals of Global Health, 83(1). doi: 10.1016/j.aogh.2017.03.472.
Taylor, A.R., Muelenaer, P. A., Kochersberger, K.B., Muelenaer, A.A., Bickford, L.R., Redican, K. J. (2016, May). Innovating for global health: Study of healthcare technology failure in southern Malawi. Annals of Global Health, 82(3). doi: 10.1016/j.aogh.2016.04.575.
Somers, K. M., Taylor, A. R., Jung, A., Wicks, A., Muelenaer, A. A. (2016, February). Utilizing Accelerometers As a Novel Technology for Assessment of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. Pediatrics, 137(Supplement 3). doi: 0.1542/peds.137.supplement_3.197a.
Gooty, V., Harris, C., Muelenaer, A. A., Watson, B., Safford, S. (2015). A Rare Case of Pulmonary Hyalinizing Granuloma with Calcification in a 5 year old boy. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, 3(3), 123-129.
Kraft, C. A., Muelenaer, A. A., Rosser, L. G. (2014, June 5). Faculty Competencies for Global Health. Academic Pediatric Association(June 5, 2014), 1-9.
Abstract/Synopsis: In 2012 the Global Health Task Force noted the lack of defined faculty competencies and decided to develop a set of global health competencies for pediatric faculty engaged in the teaching and practice of global health.
Ruscher, T., Wicks, A., Muelenaer, A. A., Tamez, J. R. (2012, March 12). An Acoustic Sensor for Airfl ow in Pediatric Artificial Airways. Journal of Medical Devices, 6(1). doi: 10.1115/1.4026787.
Dowden, M. R., Wicks, A., Muelenaer, A. A. (2012, March 12). Using Pressure Transducers for Noninvasive Detection of Heart and Respiratory Rates. Journal of Medical Devices, 6(1). doi: 10.1115/1.4026769.