Partners and Affiliates

Many Partners, One Goal
Research in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics draws from rich partnerships with many research institutions, medical schools, and centers.
Fralin Biomedical Research Institute
One of the nation's premier biomedical and health sciences research ecosystems.
Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine
A unique, public-private partnership between a research university and a health care institution, the school educates physician thought leaders through inquiry, research, and discovery.
Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI)
VTTI is continually advancing transportation through innovation and has impacted public policy on national and international levels.
Center for Injury Biomechanics
The center bridges faculty and labs at both Virginia Tech and Wake Forest University. Current research within the center investigates injury mechanisms following trauma to develop a greater understanding of human tolerance to injury, to engineer enhanced safety countermeasures, and to mitigate the occurrence of serious injury in society.
Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine
The college is a leading biomedical teaching and research center and the in-state veterinary college for residents.
Virginia Tech Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science (ICTAS)
ICTAS fosters innovation in high-impact converging and emerging technologies at the intersections of engineering, the humanities, and the physical, life, and social sciences.
Virginia Tech College of Engineering
The Virginia Tech College of Engineering offers 15 undergraduate degree-granting engineering majors, 16 doctoral programs, and 19 master's programs in 17 areas of study.
National Capital Region
Virginia Tech's National Capital Region Operations provides comprehensive support for the university's broadening presence in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.
Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM)
The Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM) is a four-year osteopathic medical school offering the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree with a campus in Blacksburg, Virginia.
Wake Forest University School of Medicine (WFSM)
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center is a preeminent, internationally recognized academic medical center of the highest quality with balance excellence in patient care, research, and education.
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center is a fully integrated academic medical center located in Winton-Salem, North Carolina.
Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM)
The Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine is an international leader in translating scientific discovery into clinical therapies.
Comprehensive Cancer Center
The Comprehensive Cancer Center at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center is proud to be among an elite group of cancer centers acknowledged as the nation's leaders in the fight against cancer.
Translational Sciences Institute
The Wake Forest Clinical and Translational Science Institute provides innovative, efficient, and sustainable research infrastructure to accelerate Wake Forest's transformation to a leading health care systm that is at the forefront of translating scientifc discoveries to impact patient care.